people pavilion's decomposed grass canopy shades over free-form circular seating
在2024年曼谷設計周上,sp/n和nerd 工作室設計了人民館,該場館展示了人與城市空間和城市環境之間的關系。該館運用了“宜居景觀”的概念,在非營業時間段內,設計師改造市政廳的花園空間,構成公共展館。該展館是公共休閑場地,人們可以在這里交流、聚會和參加活動。建筑設計打破了城市環境與自然環境之間的界限。
The People Pavilion by sp/n and nerd studio, showcased at Bangkok Design Week 2024, engaged in a dialogue between people, urban space, and city dynamics. The concept, ‘Livable Scape,’ repurposed the Garden space of Bangkok City Hall during non-operational hours, transforming it into a public pavilion. Designed by sp/n and nerd studio, this pavilion served as a communal hub where individuals could meet, gather, converse, and support various activities, breaking down the boundaries between urban contexts and enclosed green spaces.
Designed to support community activities, People Pavilion created an inviting environment for socializing and participation in diverse events. It hosted cultural events, and educational workshops, and provided a serene setting for relaxation, fostering community engagement and interaction among people from different backgrounds.
all images by ©Atelier247 unless stated otherwise
The Pavilion’s roof featured a patch of grass matching the original lawn, allowing sunlight to filter through and creating shade similar to a tree canopy. The dried and decomposed grass increased gaps, letting sunlight and artificial lighting pass through, varying throughout the day. From the entrance, the roof appeared as an elevated ground, gradually forming a canopy as visitors approached.
Constructed with lightweight systematic structures, the Pavilion, a joint project by studios sp/n and nerd, defined sets of proxemic zones with free-form circular seating of various sizes and distances, enabling gatherings or dispersals for different group sizes and activities.
Pre-programmed activities during Bangkok Design Week 2024 included community events like podcast urban talks, student workshops, music performances, interactive performances, and live DJ sessions. Spontaneous activities were also added by visitors throughout the weeks, enhancing the Pavilion’s role as a dynamic space for community interaction and engagement.
▲ 2024年曼谷設計周展示的人民館體現了人與城市空間和城市環境之間的聯系
People Pavilion at Bangkok Design Week 2024 engaged with urban space and city dynamics
▲ sp/n和nerd工作室設計的人民館成為了社區活動場地的中心
designed by sp/n and nerd studio, the Pavilion served as a hub for community activities
▲ 人民館打破了城市環境與自然環境之間的界限,增強了人與人之間的交流
the Pavilion encouraged gathering, conversation, and interaction, blending urban and green spaces
▲ 人民館為人們提供了休閑社交的活動場地
the Pavilion provided an inviting environment for socializing and diverse community events | image by ©spin
▲ 屋頂是種植屋頂,其草皮與場地內的草皮保持一致,為展館內部遮陰蔽日
the roof featured grass patches matching the original lawn, filtering sunlight and creating shade
▲ 屋頂上的枯草增加了屋頂縫隙,可以讓人們感受一天中光線的變化
decomposed grass allowed sunlight and artificial light to vary throughout the day
▲ 展館采用輕質結構,內部設計了各種尺寸的自由圓形座椅,將館內分割成多個區域
lightweight structures defined proxemic zones with free-form circular seating of various sizes
▲ 從入口處看,屋頂就像是一個被架起的地面,除此之外,也起到了雨棚的作用
from the entrance, the roof appeared as elevated ground, forming a canopy as visitors approached
▲ 互動表演和現場DJ會議是展館內活動的一部分
interactive performances and live DJ sessions were part of the Pavilion’s dynamic offerings | image by ©spin
▲ 展館內的座椅適用于各種規模和活動的人群使用
the seating enabled gatherings or dispersals for different group sizes and activities | image by ©spin
建筑設計:sp/n (spin 設計工作室)
主持:Urban Ally
位置:Bangkok, Thailand
攝影:Atelier247 – spin
project info:
name: People Pavilion; Elevated Ground
architect: sp/n (spin design studio) | @s.p.i.n.design – nerd studio
host: Urban Ally
area: 310 sqm
location: Bangkok, Thailand
photography: Atelier247 – spin