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水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第1張圖片

Fjordenhus / Olafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann with Studio Olafur Eliasson


環境。日德蘭半島的Vejle峽灣從市區向東延伸到卡特加特海。Fjordenhus矗立在人工島Havneøen旁的水中,項目根據當地政府振興港口的概念而開發,在傳統的工業環境中引入了新的住宅部分。對于那些從Vejle城市軸線走過來的人來說,該座建筑似乎是一個焦點,它被水包圍,背后是Vejle峽灣大橋。大樓前寬闊的廣場上的混凝土和鵝卵石與Günther Vogt碼頭的設計相呼應,而Fjordenhus的圓柱形和獨特的磚砌結構與歷史上倉庫和筒倉等港口建筑呼應。在峽灣的背景下,建筑本身打破了水的平靜。

Setting. Vejle Fjord in Jutland stretches east from its head at the city of Vejle to its mouth at the Kattegat Sea. Fjordenhus stands in the water alongside Havneøen (The Harbour Island), a man-made island that was developed in response to a concept by Vejle Municipality to revitalize the harbour area, introducing important new residential components into a traditionally industrial environment. For those approaching from Vejle’s main urban axis, the building appears as the focal point, surrounded by water and with the Vejle Fjord Bridge in the background. The concrete and cobble-stone surfaces of the expansive plaza in front of the building are echoed in the design of Günther Vogt’s jetty, while the cylindrical forms and distinctive brickwork of Fjordenhus nod to the historical harbor typologies of warehouses and silos. Set against the backdrop of the fjord, the building itself breaks the smooth plane of the water.

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第2張圖片

建筑。這座28米高的建筑由四個相交的圓柱體組成,磚砌的外墻形成了橢圓的消極空間,組成了復雜的曲線和拱形的窗戶。不同樓層的不同平面圍繞著橢圓組織,內部有特別設計的家具和燈光,并由螺旋形樓梯和圓形前庭連接空間。對公眾開放的通高底層,滲透著峽灣的景色,包含了兩個區域,其中有Olafur Eliasson的特定場地藝術作品。KIRK KAPITAL的辦公室占據了上面三層,頂部的綠色屋頂被植被和太陽能電池板覆蓋,到了晚上,Fjordenhus從內部被點亮,就像一座燈塔。

Building. Accessible by footbridge, the twenty-eight-meter-high building is formed by four intersecting cylinders with brick facades from which ellipsoidal negative spaces were removed to create complex curved forms and arched windows. The varying floor plans of the different levels are organized around circles and ellipses, with specially designed furniture and lights, and are connected by spiral staircases and round vestibules. The double-height ground floor, which is open to the public, is permeated by the fjord and contains two aqueous zones with site-specific artworks by Olafur Eliasson. The KIRK KAPITAL offices occupy the upper three floors. Perched atop the building is a green roof with vegetation and solar panels. By night, Fjordenhus is lit from within, resembling a lighthouse.

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第3張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第4張圖片


Bricks. Classic Danish brick is the predominant material of the building’s inner and outer walls. The brick forms the smallest possible building unit and follows the organic shape of the building. Fjorden's- hu's intricate brickwork shapes visitors’ impression of the building as they approach. From afar, the building’s surface seems orderly, but upon closer inspection, the different shapes and slightly irregular staggering of the bricks’ depth reveal a lively, organic surface. The brickwork incorporates fifteen different tones of unglazed brick; additional colors of glazed bricks are integrated into the carved-out sections to produce color fades – green from the bottom and blue from the top – that reflect the water and sky. In the stairwell, scattered silver bricks reflect the sunlight shining in from above. The bricks function not only aesthetically, but also technically: hollow ventilation bricks are placed throughout the walls to modulate both sound and temperature. Every corner, niche, and arc required an individual brick-laying solution; each brick was especially t into the complex curvature of the concrete walls, the overall brickwork lying flush with the curved steel frames and glass elements of the facade.

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第5張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第6張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第7張圖片

地板和天花板。Fjordenhus的地板和天花板由白色混凝土板構成,每層都是3.2米高的空間。它們遮蓋了基礎設施,如加熱和冷卻系統。天花板上的鏤空網格,減少了天花板的整體重量。這些空洞也為燈具創造了空間,并且調節了空間的聲學效果。Pietra Piasentina石材被用作地板,與經典的花崗巖石頭不同,Pietra Piasentina只存在于意大利弗留利的山上開采的巨石中。


Floors & Ceilings. The floors and ceilings of Fjordenhus are formed by white concrete slabs, creating spaces 3.2 meters in height on each level. They conceal the distribution of technical infrastructures such as heating and cooling systems. The grid pattern of cut-out negative circular volumes in the ceiling reduces the overall weight of the ceiling. These hollows also serve to hold light fixtures and modulate the acoustics of the space. Pietra Piasentina stone was used to cover all the floors. Unlike classic granite stones, Pietra Piasentina can only be found in boulders quarried from the hills of Friuli, Italy.
Windows & Doors. The double-curved, 3D-formed windows precisely follow the geometry of Fjordenhus. Steel frames span several floors of the building, while the window voids form the main element of the facade. In some areas, rotating doors were introduced to accommodate the geometrical challenges of the building’s overall shape. All of the doors and windows are tilted; by design, the walls contain no right angles.

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第8張圖片


Carpets. The kilim carpets, each with a diameter of 9.4 meters and placed in the centers of the drums, were handwoven in Varanasi, India. Looms were custom-built so the carpets could be woven seamlessly, and each carpet comes in a different monochrome color. The smaller, elliptical entrance rooms linking the stairwells to the main office spaces are fitted with hand-tufted carpets. All the carpets have been deliberately designed to be sound absorbent.

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第9張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第10張圖片

家具。建筑一樓、二樓和三樓的辦公空間擺放有由Olafur Eliasson及其工作室設計的定制家具。私人空間的壁柜、浴室、廚房和樓梯采用木材作為主要材料。

Furniture. The office spaces on the building’s first, second, and third floors feature several custom-made furniture pieces designed by Olafur Eliasson and Studio Olafur Eliasson. Wood was introduced as the dominant material for the additional built-in cabinets, bathrooms, kitchens, and staircases in private spaces.

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第11張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第12張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第13張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第14張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第15張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第16張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第17張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第18張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第19張圖片

水面倒映的藝術 | 丹麥Vejle峽灣建筑第20張圖片

建筑設計:Sebastian Behmann, Studio Olafur Eliasson
攝影:Anders Sune Berg, David de Larrea Remiro
制造商:HAVER & BOECKER, Kinnasand, Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG
項目經理:Flemming Hoff Jakobsen, Hundsbæk & Henriksen
聲學工程:Gade & Mortensen Akustik
環境工程:Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH
景觀設計師:Vogt Landscape
咨詢工程師:ArtEngineering GmbH
藝術:Olafur Eliasson
建筑團隊:Studio Olafur Eliasson, Sebastian Behmann
項目建筑師:Caspar Teichgräber
本土建筑師:Lundgaard & Tranberg Architecture
客戶:Kirk Kapital
經理:Jørn Andreasen, Hundsbæk & Henriksen
技術監督:Hundsbæk & Henriksen
消防咨詢:Hundsbæk & Henriksen
安全:Eggersen Miljø & Sikkerhed APS

Architects: Sebastian Behmann, Studio Olafur Eliasson
Year: 2018
Photographs: Anders Sune Berg, David de Larrea Remiro
Manufacturers: HAVER & BOECKER, Kinnasand, Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG
Engineering: COWI
Project Manager: Flemming Hoff Jakobsen, Hundsbæk & Henriksen
Acoustic Engineering: Gade & Mortensen Akustik
Environmental Engineering: Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH
Landscape Architect: Vogt Landscape
Consulting Engineer: ArtEngineering GmbH
Artist: Olafur Eliasson
Architectural Team: Studio Olafur Eliasson, Sebastian Behmann
Design Team: VOGT
Project Architect: Caspar Teichgräber
Local Architect: Lundgaard & Tranberg Architecture
Client: Kirk Kapital
Manager: Jørn Andreasen, Hundsbæk & Henriksen
Technical Supervision: Hundsbæk & Henriksen
Fire Counseling: Hundsbæk & Henriksen
Safety: Eggersen Miljø & Sikkerhed APS
City: Vejle
Country: Denmark




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