由河北省住房和城鄉建設廳、河北省自然資源廳、邯鄲市人民政府、邯鄲市自然資源規劃局主辦,《城市·環境·設 計》(UED)策劃執行的“第三屆河北國際城市規劃設計大賽(邯鄲)”于今年2020年1月16日正式拉開帷幕。
Dominique Perrault is the winner of the international invitational competition for the design of the «Hangang District» Masterplan in the city of Handan (China).
It is co-hosted by the Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources of Hebei Province, Handan Municipal People’s Government, Handan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau and Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine, one of the most influential Chinese media in the field of architecture and urban planning.
邯鄲,一座擁有將近三百萬常住人口的大型城市,是中原區域經濟發展的核心,與山西、河北、山東、河南四省接壤。邯鄲作為一座旅游城市,是中華文明的重要發祥地之一,同時擁有巨大的發展潛力。邯鄲,以其悠久的歷史和豐富的文化遺產聞名于世,同時也是中國經濟高速發展下的重要工業基地之一。邯鄲鋼鐵集團有限責任公司是邯鄲市最具影響力的工業企業之一, 見證了時代及城市的發展。邯鋼企業廠區建設時偏于一 隅,遠離中心城區,然而隨著時代的發展,邯鋼廠區現逐漸發展成為城市中心區域。如何利用邯鋼廠區的豐富的工業遺產,激活其在新時代下實現轉型復興,成為邯鄲城市發展的新動力,是此次邯鋼片區城市設計國際大師邀請賽的關鍵課題。
國際競賽 “工業遺產轉型復興”——邯鋼片區城市設計規劃此次國際競賽旨為邯鋼片區轉型發展提供規劃藍圖,規劃研究設計范圍大約8.7平方公里,邀請以下六家國內外設計團隊參與:
• 多米尼克·佩羅建筑事務所
• 藍天組事務所
• UNStudio事務所
• 程泰寧院士團隊
• 王建國院士團隊
• 莊惟敏院士團隊
The city of Handan, with a population of about 2.8 million people, is the centre of China’s Central Plains economic zone.
Famous for its historical and cultural heritage, the city of Handan is also a major centre of Chinese industry, under the influence of the Hansteel group, which has deeply impacted its territory. The important industrial site of Hansteel, originally located in a remote suburb, is now close to the centre of Handan, and its redevelopment, as the main theme of this competition, is now to be seen as a driving force for the city’s urban development.
The development of an urban planning and industrial heritage enhancement project within the Hansteel East plant sector, over an area of approximately 8.66 km2, was entrusted to six teams invited to compete:
• Dominique Perrault Architect
• Coop Himmelb(l)au
• UNStudio
• CHENG Taining Studio (CCTN Architectural Design)
• WANG Jianguo Studio
• ZHUANG Weimin (Architectural Design & Research
Institute of Tsinghua University)
• 注重片區內工業遺產的保護和文化價值的提升 遺產島(L’île du patrimoine)由片區內舊有工業廠房組 成,將其轉化為具有文化、聚會和休閑等價值的公共場域, 是邯鋼片區工業遺產轉型復興下的支柱產業。
• 豐富片區內景觀設計并創造新型的公共綠色空間 包含一座大尺度的景觀公園,貫穿基地,有效的保護了片區 內現有的珍貴樹種。同時利用園區內大量植被參與工業土壤 去污染化進程,有效增加片區內的土地價值。
• 優化和開發片區內現有水資源 重新規劃開發沁河兩岸,溪水蜿蜒穿越基地內部。
• 為邯鋼片區打造一套專屬的多功能混合、相互聯動且靈活發展的城市規劃體系 依據多米尼克·佩羅創建的規劃理論Hôtel Métropole為基礎。
The study conducted by Dominique Perrault develops an urban development strategy both adapted and flexible. The area concerned, which represents about a quarter of the surface area of the historic city, is made up of very heterogeneous built elements and an important industrial heritage.
This heritage formed the starting point for the urban project, as did the geographical reality of the site, which guided the design process and the functioning of the new district.
The proposal does not seek to standardize, but rather to make a variety of elements coexist and interact to compose a new homogeneous territory. Above all, the project highlights the urban aspect of the industrial heritage: the rehabilitation and reuse of the site’s old roads in particular, define a new network for the district.
The study placed particular attention on the feasibility and phasing of the development of the area, as well as on soil depollution strategies. The intervention follows 4 main principles aimed at fostering the coherence of a functional and resilient city, deeply rooted in its time:
• The preservation and cultural enhancement of industrial heritage. The «Heritage Island» made up of former factories, transformed into places for culture, meetings and leisure, forms the backbone of the project.
• The enhancement of the landscape and the creation of new green spaces, including a large garden-park that runs through the entire district, preserves existing trees, participates in the site’s decontamination and the enhancement of the estate value.
• The optimization and development of water resources, including the development of the banks of the Qin River that runs through the site.
• The development of mixed, connected and flexible programs, based on the Hôtel Métropole concept developed by Dominique Perrault.
多米尼克·佩羅的規劃提案,旨在提供一套全面、精細和適宜的規劃工具,具有靈活可變的特性,適應未來多功能混合性城市的發 展。她重新定義了街區的嶄新面貌,充分考慮與現有城市肌理和地理環境的有機融合,或重新打造片區內新的地標,或新建能融入現有街區尺度的城市空間。新規劃的建筑群落,保護提升片區內工業遺產的價值,同時打造多功能混合型典范新區。最終通過 片區新建群落中多樣化的空間密度組合,以實現城市與自然景觀之間有機和諧的平衡。
For the whole area, the proposal defines a set of tools, precise and adapted, offering the necessary flexibility for its future evolution and the development of mixed and varied architectures. They define the new silhouette of the district, thought out in coherence with the existing urban and geographical environment, marking with high points the gates of the district, or accompanying with low points the surrounding streets and residential areas. Each of the pieces that make up the new district protects and enhances the industrial heritage of the site, while allowing the reception of new programs. Finally, through a combination of various densities, the project aims for a harmonious balance between city and nature.
工具箱(Boîte à outils)城市規劃戰略的提出,擁有可適應性和更新演變的獨特使用性,她將邯鋼片區的城市規劃從二十世紀僵固的城市體系中激活,在二十世紀大時代背景下的城市理論強調城市和功能的規劃嚴謹性,不具備隨時代演進的可調節性。邯鄲城市的未來規劃發展藍圖強調為城市自身提供強有力的發展前景與動力,寄期望以邯鋼片區為案例,樹立二十一世紀城市發展的規劃典范 。
· 基地:邯鋼集團東區,邯鄲,中國
· 概念規劃設計范圍:8.66 平方公里
· 核心區城市設計范圍:1.0 平方公里
· 業主:
- 河北省住房和城鄉建設廳
- 河北省自然資源廳
- 邯鄲市人民政府
- 邯鄲市自然資源和規劃局
· 策劃執行單位:《城市·環境·設計》(UED)雜志社
This «toolbox» strategy provides a methodology that can be transposed to other types of sites and contexts, while being specifically adapted. It affirms the need to move this urban project away from the rigid urban planning of the 20th century, where functions and programmes were carefully planned but unable to absorb change. Instead, the proposed Masterplan wishes to provide an impulse for the future development of Handan, hopefully making this neighbourhood an example of resilient urban planning for the 21st century.
• LOCATION Hansteel East Industrial Plant, Handan, China
• SITE AREA 8.66 KM2
- Hebei Provincial Department of Housing & Urban Rural Development;
- Department of Natural Resources of Hebei Province
- Handan Municipal People’s Government,
- Handan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
• SUPPORT Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine
多米尼克·佩羅 建筑師事務所
多米尼克·佩羅(Dominique Perrault)生于1953年,是當代法國建筑界的領軍人物。他畢業于巴黎國立高等美術學院,取得建筑學文憑,同時在巴黎國立橋路學校取得城市規劃高等文憑。多米尼克·佩羅于1981年在巴黎成立其第一間建筑事務所。
多米尼克·佩羅的建筑事業發軔于1989年的法國國家圖書館國際競賽(于1995年竣工),時年36歲的他在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,一舉奪魁。作為其建筑事業的起點,法國國家圖書館成就了多米尼克·佩羅事務所的國際聲望。在隨后的投標競賽中,多米尼克·佩羅事務所多次中標并完成了一系列國際大型公共和委托項目。譬如,德國柏林奧林匹克自行車館和游泳館(1999),韓國首爾梨花女子大學(2008),日本大阪富國大樓(2010),盧森堡歐 洲共同體法院擴建(2008-2019),其中第三棟歐盟擴建辦公樓于2019年九月揭幕竣工。
多米尼克·佩羅事務所于2016年竣工奧地利維也納多瑙新城雙塔之一,以維也納新高度的姿態成為了新商業區的地標。同期由法國文化部及公共遺址開發局委托凡爾賽宮杜福爾館的改造工程, 于2016年春天揭幕。2018年巴黎瓏驤跑馬場改造工程竣工,法國巴黎盧浮宮郵局改造項目處于施工尾聲。多米尼克·佩羅事務所還擁有眾多在建項目,譬如,2024年巴黎奧運村,“光中漫步”韓國首爾江南區國際中心交通樞紐(預計2023年竣工)和法國猶太城標志性地鐵站(預計2025年竣工)等項目處于施工階段中。
多米尼克·佩羅近期作品一致呈現對建筑城市遺產議題的高度興趣。2016年,多米尼克·佩羅聯手法國國家遺產中心主席Philippe Bélaval 針對2040年巴黎西岱島前景復興規劃匯報,由法國總統弗拉索瓦·奧朗德(François Hollande)直屬委托設計研究。在巴黎圣母院2019年不幸遭遇大火洗禮后,更加期待通過對巴黎市中心歷史街區西岱島上公共歷史遺跡的城市更新規劃,注入新鮮血液,保護和振興現已存在的建筑。
多米尼克·佩羅眾多出色的建筑與城市規劃作品,國際間獲獎無數。譬如,1997年因法國國家圖書館建筑設計榮獲密斯·凡· 德羅歐洲當代建筑獎(Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Award);2010年榮獲法國建筑學院建筑金獎(Grande médaille d’or de l’Académie d’architecture);2015年榮獲日本皇室“ 世界文化獎”建筑類終身成就獎(Praemium Imperiale), 同年入選為法蘭西藝術院院士。2019年11月,多米尼克·佩羅被任命為2021年韓國首爾建筑與城市主義雙年展(Biennale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Séoul)主席。
Dominique Perrault is a French architect and a leading figure of his generation. He studied architecture at the école Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, and urban planning at the école Supérieure des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris. He opened his Paris architectural firm, Dominique Perrault Architecture in 1981.
Dominique Perrault gained international recognition after winning the competition for the Bibliothèque nationale de France in 1989 (completed in 1995) at the age of 36. This project marked the starting point of many other public and private commissions abroad. Perrault’s large and distinguished body of work includes The Velodrome and Olympic swimming pool of Berlin, Germany (1999); the two extensions of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (2008 and 2019); the campus of Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea (2008); the Fukoku Tower in Osaka, Japan (2010) and the DC Tower I in Vienna, Austria (2014). In 2016, Dominique Perrault completed three major rehabilitation and extension projects, including the Pont de Sèvres Towers, west of Paris, the new mechanics hall of the école Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne and the Dufour Pavilion, the new entrance of the Chateau de Versailles. The new Paris Longchamp racecourse was completed in 2018 and the refurbishment of the haussmannian block of la Poste du Louvre in Paris will be finished in 2020. Current studies and projects include the Olympic and Paralympic Village – Paris 2024, the Gangnam International Transit Center in Seoul (2023), the new Villejuif-IGR station of the Grand Paris Express (2025), and the “Mission Ile de la Cité,” an urban study, commissioned in December 2015 by President François Hollande, on the future of the historical center of Paris Dominique Perrault Architecture from now until 2040 that’s become a hot topic for urban renewal since the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.
Dominique Perrault’s work examines issues related to the absence and presence of architecture, topography and landscape. His architecture expresses a simplicity of forms, a sobriety of materials and a pronounced taste for the geography and the urban impact of architecture. Dominique Perrault considers the landscape as a material, composing with the territory. He thus affirms the importance of revealing the disappearance and effacement of architecture in favor of a vision that mixes and entangles city and nature. His work is also interested in the urban issues of networks and complexity of the urban systems and mobility infrastructures. Dominique Perrault’s projects, publications, seminars, teachings and writings are imposing the idea of “Groundscape”, a union between “Ground” and “Landscape” – which for several years has brought together architectural strategies involving the underground. A new field of research for architects, designers and urban planners, this form of architecture explores the spatial potentialities included in and beneath the surface of our cities, and offers a resilient, responsible, aesthetic and sustainable response to the many current urban challenges.
In 2010, Dominique Perrault was awarded the Gold Medal by the French Academy of Architecture and the Praemium Imperiale Prize for Architecture in 2015. He was also elected at the French Academy of Fine Arts in 2015. Since October 2019, Dominique Perrault chairs the UNESCO-UIA Joint Committee to ensure the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of all activities related to the Rio de Janeiro World Capital of Architecture 2020. He was appointed Director General of the 2021 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism
設計時間:2020.01 – 2020.07
主創建筑師:多米尼克·佩羅 (DOMINIQUE PERRAULT)
設計團隊名單 (按姓氏排序):Camille ABEILLE, Augustin BOURGEOIS, Anastasia DELINASIOU, Bernardo GRILLI, Marcela GARCIA, Nanako ISHIZUKA, Richard NGUYEN, Giulia PACE, Julien PRINGUET, Enrico SALVO, Ernesto URQUIZAR, Shenglin YANG
(sort by Alphabetical order of last name)
概念規劃設計范圍:8.66 平方公里
核心區城市設計范圍:1.0 平方公里