繪有神和護身符的瓷托盤 Octaevo bases ceramic tray series on ancient gods and amulets 由專筑網...
iarch002 發布于:2019-1-4
Matteo Thun為Venini設計的限量版不透明花瓶 Matteo Thun creates limited edition series of opaque ...
iarch002 發布于:2019-1-2
Outros Territórios – International Call for Urban Intervention 由專筑網縷夕,王帥編譯 提...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-24
John Pawson designs minimalist oil lantern for Wästberg 由專筑網王帥,李韌編譯 建筑師...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-18
BENCHmark 由專筑網縷夕,王帥編譯 提交日期:2019年2月13日 注冊日期:2019年2月13日 語言:英...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-14
Grafeoiphobia系列家具 Grafeoiphobia is a furniture collection for desk-shy, bed-happy workers ...
七座獎杯 Seven trophies created by architects and designers 由專筑網王帥,李韌編譯 越來越...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-12
解決“路怒”的笑臉自行車手套 Loffi's smiley cycling glove combats the "complex issue" of road r...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-7
酷似國際空間站的Dorval燈 Dorval light is based on the shapes of the International Space Station...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-5
Lara Bohinc設計的互鎖漆盒 Lara Bohinc creates interlocking urushi lacquer boxes 由專筑網王帥...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-3
東京設計師展上的五盞燈 Five lights created by Japanese designers revealed at Designart Tokyo ...
iarch002 發布于:2018-12-1
模塊化住宅系統將荒廢的商業建筑轉變為共享居住空間 Modular home system turns empty commercial bui...
iarch002 發布于:2018-11-30
藍色古典家具 Matteo Pacella and Philippine Hamen design blue classical furniture 由專筑網王帥...
iarch002 發布于:2018-11-29
五件可持續北歐風格的椅子 Five most sustainable Nordic chairs named 由專筑網王帥,曹逸希編譯 ...
iarch002 發布于:2018-11-28
著色混凝土家具 Pigmented concrete emulates sculptural stone in Gestalt furniture by Sment 由...
iarch002 發布于:2018-11-27
使用雜草制成的家具和包裝 Don Kwaning makes furniture and packaging from wetland weed 由專筑網...
iarch002 發布于:2018-11-26
現代印度家具 Alykhan Velji's heritage and travels influence his Modern India furniture for Mobi...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-24
給植物輸液的系統 Keita Augstkalne's intravenous drip brings neglected houseplants back to life ...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-23
雙端Beam燈 Tom Chung's double-ended Beam lamp for Muuto references car headlights 由專筑網王...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-22
安妮·阿爾伯斯(Anni Albers)的5件紡織設計 Tate Modern curator selects five of Anni Albers' rad...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-21
坎帕納兄弟在羅馬Notturno展展出新作 Campana brothers reveal latest work at Notturno exhibition i...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-20
人體氣管支架中的穿孔薄殼結構 Tonkin Liu shrinks architectural shell lace structure to create pr...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-19
雕塑般的彩虹色啞鈴 Iridescent free weights double as geometric sculptures 由專筑網王帥,蔣暉...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-17
Christopher Farr品牌推出的兩種紡織產品 Christopher Farr launches two patterned textiles from th...
iarch001 發布于:2018-11-16